Home > Azores > graciosa > restinga do freire

Restinga do Freire

Name Dive Site:Restinga do Freire
Depth: 0-15m (0-49ft)
Visibility: 10-20m (32-65ft)
Accessibility: Shore
Inserted/Added by: fodiver

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This dive site is located at the North coast of Graciosa Island. It is an easy dive that is done from shore in a sheltered place without currents and with a maximum depth of 15m. In the beginning of the dive at the most shallow depth juvenile breams and rainbow wrasses can be observed as well as morays and octopus. In the sand areas Guinean puffer fish can also be seen. In the deepest part along with the common Azorean fauna such as breams, parrot fish, rainbow wrasses and ornate wrasses, comb groupers and dusky groupers can be observed. In this area schools of barracudas can also be seen in blue.

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