Home > Azores > terceira > cemitério das Âncoras

Cemitério das Âncoras

Name Dive Site:Cemitério das Âncoras
Depth: 15-30m (49-98ft)
Visibility: 10-15m (32-49ft)
Accessibility: Boat
Inserted/Added by: fodiver

Rated not yet

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Since the XVI century that the Bay of Angra do Heroismo served as one of the main support harbors to the ships of America and India courses. Due to bad weather and errors on anchor handling operations more than 30 different anchors were left on the bottom between 15 and 35m depth. Two yellow buoys mark the beginning and the end of the dive site. The descending and ascending should be done trough the lines of these two buoys. Explanation slates can be found on the bottom for helping the divers about what they are seeing. This is an easy dive with almost no current. Being a dive mainly with historical interest, fauna such as morays, breams, almaco jacks, and dusky groupers, can be observed

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