Home > Azores > santa maria > pedrinha


Name Dive Site:Pedrinha
Depth: 6-40m (19-131ft)
Visibility: 10-20m (32-65ft)
Accessibility: Boat
Inserted/Added by: fodiver

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This dive site is located at the Southeast coast of Santa Maria Island. Despite being in a more-o-less sheltered area, this dive site presents normally moderate-to-strong currents. The diver can choose to descend right to the 20m depth or explore first the geological formations a little shallower. Between the rocks can be found crevices that grant access to caves which end in arches and canyons. Along this wonderful architectonic world, the common fauna of Azorean waters such as parrot fish, groupers, breams, rainbow wrasses, ornate wrasses, and damselfish, will be observed. Swimming in the canyons, dusky groupers, comb groups, and barred hogfish will appear sometimes. It’s wise to stay around a 15m depth because it is usual to spot big pelagic schools. Additionally to almaco jacks, Bermuda sea chubs, and barracudas, during the summer it is common to see schools of mantas. 

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